
~Home is where you are most happy~

As Spring arrives, so does spring cleaning and refreshing the house. Like bears, our hibernation is over, and with the longer days, we feel an awakening. Even though it makes more sense to get things done in the winter (regarding house issues), Springtime is historically the time we organize, throw out and reevaluate our stuff.
Now our house is not very large; it’s relatively small. The lack of a garage also causes us not to keep as much stuff. The closets and the basement are the main areas that need attention. Nevertheless, there’s always stuff to go through and get rid of. The process is never easy. And it always seems easier for us to want to throw out other people’s stuff than our own. Does my husband need all these tools? Do I need to save letters from high school?

Morning sun — Quiet time


My mother, who was 94 when she died — did a great job of getting rid of things little by little, so when I did have to go through her house — it wasn’t overwhelming. As we get older, we don’t need as much stuff, and it does help to “let it go.”
So these past weeks, I have been going through things and trying to let it go and get it done. Of course, it’s always a feeling of accomplishment once it’s done too.
Home is where you are most happy —- In the mornings, when I am having my quiet time and the morning sun comes in — I am comforted by my surroundings. We don’t leave in chaos. Our “stuff” always has a place, and our collections reflect who we are and our travels; each piece has meaning and intention. I wouldn’t want or do I need more space. I am very much content with our home and what we have created.
Your home should be a sanctuary of peace. Walking through the door and being welcomed home is the best feeling, and it should be.
As the month ends, things inside are accomplished, and the garden is calling. The garden — an extension to the home and a welcome friend who returns from a long winter.

Happy Spring everyone. Hope your Spring cleaning is done and you’re able to enjoy the outdoor -projects or activities. For me – the garden is where you’ll find me or on the deck watching the boats go by.

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