March – Celebrating Women

In my intention to work on monthly goals this year —I dedicate the month of March to focusing on women and the influence of the women in my life. March 8th also happens to be International Woman’s Day, and the older I get, the more relevant the power of being a woman is to me.

It is actually referenced in psychological studies that women become mentally stronger as they age. (**see link below for supporting article).

Sadly this month, we will be memorializing the life of a dear aunt, my mother’s youngest sister. Of her nine siblings, one remains, and this recent loss is significant to our extended family.

Being from a large Irish family (even though I am an only child), I have been blessed with a matriarch of aunts that were second moms — each one having their own strengths and experiences to pass along — I have a vault of wisdom from my relationships with each one.

In our family, the second and third generations, we call ourselves “hens and chicks”. We try hard to follow the footprints of the woman before us. Even though we are uniquely different, we acknowledge our tribal strength.

My grandmother had three sisters who never married – “spinsters” -would be their “era stigma,” but they were much more than that to me. In my memory, they were strong women who took care of themselves and each other and modeled, for me at least, strong-willed women who each had their own stories and self-reliance.

The days of the rent tent are long over. However, women still gather and build strength through conversations, community volunteering, book clubs, work tribes, and are seekers of adventure. Women have solid networks, and use their relational mentoring as guides in their lives. Social support inspires balanced living. How lucky are we – that we have this empowerment within our connectedness.

If you are relating to this topic, then you understand the importance of your female tribe. Focusing on the women in my life that strive for change, balance, love, and strength, guide me to my continued commitment to the WOMAN I continue to be with grace and growth.

I encourage you this month to make an effort to meet up with your tribe, celebrate them with a beautiful dinner party and open up the discussion on the empowerment, passion, and purpose within our lives and pursuits.



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